IBS Hypnotherapy NZ

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It's not about price it's about value

This week I had an inquiry from a person looking for help to relieve their IBS symptoms.

The person had had a look around this site and said they were interested. They went on to ask if given the current economic climate, I was prepared to discount the price of the program.

I politely said ‘no’, and explained why -

I price the program based on the value and results it delivers and not on the basis of time. A person who invests in the program isn’t buying 4.5 hours of my time, they are buying a lifetime of relief from their symptoms. How much that is worth in terms of enhanced health and happiness will be different for everyone, but in almost all cases will exceed the price of the program.

The program has been modelled on four of the most successful IBS Hypnotherapy programs. People who invest in the program can, when they fully commit to it, expect to achieve amazing results.

 For these reasons I do not discount the program.

What I do offer is a payment plan to help people spread their investment over 3 months. This is available on request.

The person who made the inquiry thanked me for my response and said they’d explore other options as a first step.