IBS Hypnotherapy NZ

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Why haven’t you heard about gut directed hypnotherapy?

If you have been diagnosed with IBS it means you probably are suffering severe complaints like: constipation, diarrhoea, pain, bloating, wind and cramps. Living with an irritable bowel affects the quality of your life.  You probably don’t feel very happy and avoid going out because, when you go out there is that constant need of wanting to know where the nearest toilet is. You can end up socially isolated.

Although you may think that you’re the only one in the world suffering from IBS you may be surprised to know that 10 to 25% of people suffer from IBS to some degree. Typically treatment for IBS includes diet changes, laxatives and anti-depressants. One treatment that isn’t prescribed very often is gut directed hypnotherapy. Why is that?

Gut directed hypnotherapy isn’t new. It’s been researched and practiced for over 30 years! The use of hypnotherapy for IBS relief was initiated by Professor Peter Whorwell.

So why haven’t you heard about it. Largely because, and despite all this evidence, there has been a reluctance by the medical profession to embrace this form of treatment. Many health professions are sceptical and prejudiced against hypnotherapy.

Professor Whorwell says “Hypnotherapy is successful in approximately 70% of patients which is a lot better than most treatments for IBS.” Hypnotherapy frequently improves a wide range of symptoms as well as psychological status and quality of life.

Gut directed hypnotherapy can really change your life – your symptoms become far less intrusive and you begin to feel great again. If you have IBS it’s something you should perhaps consider.

If you want to know more about how I can help you manage your Irritable Bowel Syndrome using hypnosis and other psychological techniques, please do get in touch today!