Here is what Participants who Have completed the Freedom From IBS Program have to say …

I struggled with IBS for 2 ½ years with it having a disabling impact in my professional and personal life. I considered the Freedom From IBS program when I first read about the evidence-base for gut-directed hypnotherapy. I was expecting symptom control at first, but as I saw results, I began to believe that a cure could be achieved.

I am now cured. IBS is becoming a mere after-thought and one day soon, it will disappear completely from my thoughts. I remember once being fearful of living the rest of my life with IBS and so I can’t thank Tony enough for this life-changing program that was delivered in such a personalised way. ~ SD

I was diagnosed with IBS in 2005 and have tried everything from Low Fodmap diet, very expensive supplement programme, yoga, meditation, going gluten-free and even quitting my stressful job which I was told was the cause of my IBS, and the only thing that has worked has been the IBS Hypnotherapy NZ programme with Tony.

I can't believe that my IBS is a thing of the past! The power of the mind and how that is represented in our body is mind-blowing! Thank you Tony, I will be forever grateful. ~MH

Hypnotherapy has been very successful for me. Tony was able to tailor what I needed to meet my needs, and this was, I think, imperative to the successful outcome I have experienced. I think about it (IBS) less, I haven't had an incident of IBS in quite some time and I feel back in control of my life and living it.

I have confidence now that I have this under control and this is thanks to Tony - Thanks Tony, it was so great to work with you and achieve my objective. ~JB

I have broken the cycle of chronic IBS and I’m feeling in control. Thank you Tony for empowering me and showing me what’s possible through this program. ~HW