Are you curious about the Hypnosis4ibs Program?

My Hypnosis4ibs Program

My Hypnosis4ibs Program (the Program) is based on the structure and content of successful gut-directed hypnotherapy programs that have been delivered overseas for many years and consistently deliver positive outcomes, particularly for those seeking a long term solution through hypnotherapy for IBS.

The initial Consultation

For those interested in joining the Program and exploring the benefits of hypnosis for IBS, there is an initial consultation. This is a 30-minute zoom meetup, offering an opportunity for us to meet and discover if we’re the right ‘fit.’

Research indicates that the quality of the client/coach relationship is a pivotal factor for a successful outcome. It’s also your chance to ask any questions you may have.

The initial consultation has an investment of NZD$49, which is deducted from the full price of the program once you decide to proceed.

Getting started

Once you decide to invest in the Program, I set you up in my secure client management database, paving the way for your journey with hypnotherapy for IBS. I then send you an initial ‘Pathway’, comprising several activities for you to complete prior to our first session.

One activity is my ‘New Client’ Questionnaire, complemented by some self-assessments, which serve as a foundation for the gut hypnotherapy to follow. These are designed to establish your current stress level, pain profile, etc., so we have a clear starting point from which to measure your progress.

The Program is flexible

The Program is flexible and tailored to your needs, promoting a calm gut. In addition, you can fit the completion of the Pathway activities and the session timings around your schedule.

I like to say the Program is “a journey and not a race”. For instance, some people complete the Pathway activities in a couple of days, others take a week or two.

The Program contains 5 face-to-face sessions.

If you are in the Wellington region and searching for 'gut-directed hypnotherapy near me', you can choose to hold your sessions in person. I have a room in the Central Business District. Otherwise, all sessions are conducted via ZOOM, a platform that has enabled me to work with people throughout NZ and in Europe and America.

The five sessions

The first session is 90 minutes and the remaining four are each 60 minutes.

 The five sessions are spaced as follows:

Session 1

Session 2 – 1 week after S1

Session 3 – 2 weeks after S2

Session 4 – 2 weeks after S3

Session 5 - 4 weeks after S4

This spacing between sessions allows you to assimilate the suggestions, skills, and information I share with you. It also provides you with the time to notice the positive impact on your symptoms and contributes to a calm and happy state of being.


Between each session you:

  • listen to one personalised mp3 per day. Following Session 1, I provide you with a 100-day listening schedule. The goal is to listen to one of your mp3s (5 days out of 7 for 100 days). Repetition of the suggestions and ideas included on the recordings helps ‘rewire’ your brain and lock in place the changes you experience. The recordings vary in length between 15 mins and 25mins.

  • have one or two techniques to practice. Such as breathing techniques, self-hypnosis practice, techniques to reduce anxiety. These techniques require about 30 minutes to practice. Many of the techniques are designed to help you develop life skills that you can use in the future to maintain your wellbeing.

 The Program is not a ‘quick fix’

The Hypnosis4IBS Program delivers results, yet it's important to understand that it's not a quick fix solution. To achieve the desired outcomes, an investment of time, energy, and commitment is essential.

 Want to know more? Sign up for an initial consultation

If you’d like to find out more about the Program, you can book an initial consultation here.

I look forward to meeting you.