subconscious mind

Visualising a healthier you

As a clinical hypnotherapist helping people to use the power of their imagination to become symptom free is a big part of my Hypno4IBS programme.

The use of the imagination (also called visualisation) to aid personal change and success is common amongst top performers in business, sports and the arts. Visualisation works because our brain/body (aka subconscious mind) doesn’t differentiate between real and imagined information. It responds to all information in the same way.

Creating the healthier future you

One of the keys to creating the future you desire using your imagination is to engage as many senses as you can. The more real and vivid you can make the future scenario the more effective the desired visualisation will be.

Practice daily visualisations

I recommend to my clients that they practice daily visualisations. Here’s an example of a simple visualisation, tailored for constipation or diarrhoea, that you can begin practicing today.

If you are experiencing Constipation:

1.      Find a safe, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the period of your visualisation.

2.      Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

3.      Take 3 long slow deep breaths.

4.      Imagine you are descending a set of 10 steps.

5.      Tell yourself that with each step you descend you are becoming more and more relaxed.

6.      Once you get to the bottom of the steps imagine you a in a special place where change is possible.

7.      Now imagine your gut is a river, with a dam stretching across it, blocking its flow.

8.      Now imagine the dam bursting, and floating away, bit by bit, little by little down the river. Hear the sounds of the dam bursting, of the water releasing. See the colours of the dam, the water.

9.      Now imagine the river flowing gently and peacefully through the beautiful country side. Hear the sounds of the water gently flowing, notice what else you can hear, perhaps birds, the breeze. What can you smell, the perfume of flowers growing beside the river, mown grass in the fields beyond.

10.   Imagine, a healthier, more relaxed you, free from constipation. See this future, healthier you, free of constipation. What are you doing? What do you look like?

11.   Imagine stepping into the body and mind of this future you and notice how it feels to be this healthier you. What is this healthier you saying to yourself? Notice how your digestive system feels now it’s working perfectly. Imagine taking a snapshot of this like you’re creating a blueprint of this healthier you free of IBS symptoms.

12.   Finally, imagine coming back up those steps you initially descended and as you do tell yourself that the healthier you blueprint is becoming a part of who you are with every step you take so that by the time you reach the top step it is fully embedded in your being.

13.   When you are ready open your eyes, alert and fully aware of the room around you.

If you are experiencing Diarrhoea

1.      Find a safe, quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for the period of your visualisation.

2.      Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.

3.      Take 3 long slow deep breaths.

4.      Imagine you are descending a set of 10 steps.

5.      Tell yourself that with each step you descend you are becoming more and more relaxed.

6.      Once you get to the bottom of the steps imagine you a in a special place where change is possible.

7.      Imagine your gut is a fast flowing river. Notice the loud roar of the water as it gushes along.

8.      Now imagine the water gradually slowing down.

9.      Imagine the river flowing slowly and gently through beautiful countryside.

10.   Now imagine a healthier, more relaxed you, free from diarrhoea. See this future, healthier you, free of diarrhoea. What are you doing? What do you look like?

11.   Imagine stepping into the body and mind of this future you and notice how it feels to be this healthier you. What is this healthier you saying to yourself? Notice how your digestive system feels now it’s working perfectly. Imagine taking a snapshot of this like you’re creating a blueprint of this healthier you free of IBS symptoms.

12.   Finally, imagine coming back up those steps you initially descended and as you do tell yourself that the healthier you blueprint is becoming a part of who you are with every step you take so that by the time you reach the top step it is fully embedded in your being.

13.   When you are ready open your eyes, alert and fully aware of the room around you.

The more you practice these visualisations the more positive impact they will have.

 If you want to know more about how I can help you manage your Irritable Bowel Syndrome using hypnosis and other psychological techniques, please do get in touch today!