Why understanding your gut and IBS is important

“As far as medicine and health care are concerned, the patients who get the most out of the medical service and their own doctors are those that understand most about their diseases. If you know nothing at all about your disorder, how can you tell if the doctor has tried everything that can be tried?”

~ Geoff Watts - Chapter 1 - Irritable Bowel Syndrome - a Practical Guide (Cedar 1990)

Watts wrote that statement almost 30 years ago and it still holds true today. When you have a sound understanding of how your gut works, and how IBS affects it, you are in a strong position to ask questions of your healthcare provider. You’re also better placed to challenge their decisions regarding your treatment (if you have doubts) and to make your own decisions about your treatment.

30 years ago it was much harder for someone with IBS to research the disease but today you can do so in an instant, thanks to Google. However, it’s also easy to get overwhelmed and confused by the volume of information.

That’s why I created the Resources page on this website. This page contains much of the information I’ve used to build my knowledge and understanding about our digestive system and how IBS affects it.

NB. While the Resources page is packed with useful information, it is important to remember that the information isn’t a substitute for seeking professional advice in the first instance.