You could be one of the 75%....

For many people suffering with IBS, gut-directed hypnotherapy (GDH) is often their “last hope” once other treatments and medications have not succeeded in delivering a reduction in symptoms.

That GDH is often the “last hope” treatment is disappointing because, it’s a very effective treatment which should, in my opinion be considered by GPs and gastroenterologist as part of their overall IBS treatment strategy once they have diagnosed a person with IBS.

The effectiveness of GDH for IBS symptom relief has been confirmed by numerous research studies. These studies have shown that three out of four people respond positively to a program of GDH. Some of those 75% experience gain total freedom from their symptoms and many others gain significant relief. GDH, like all treatments, is not a magic bullet, and the heart-breaking reality is that one in four people who complete a GDH programme are going to experience very little, if any, change in their IBS symptoms. This reflects the fact that we are all unique human beings.

IBS Relief

That uniqueness means participants in a GDH program differ in how they respond to hypnotherapy and the hypnosis suggestions they receive. Also, IBS is a complex disorder and there are many factors at play, including genetics, hormonal changes, chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and depression, which can trigger and/or maintain the symptoms. To cater for these factors, and the unique way in which each person experiences IBS, it’s important that a GDH program is tailored to you specifically. This is my approach to delivering my HYPNO4IBS program, and I believe it significantly increases the chance of a successful outcome.

Looking back at the people I’ve guided through the HYPNO4IBS program to date, a number experienced amazing results by the end of the four, face to face, sessions (typically spanning eight weeks) that are the core of the program. Most people experienced results progressively over the course of whole 100-day program. And in line with the research findings approximately one in four of the people who I’ve worked with have experienced little or no change in their IBS symptoms.

The 75% of people who experience symptom relief, can expect the positive effects to be maintained, and enjoyed, in the long term. The longest study that has been done to monitor the effects of GDH found that improvements were maintained for five years post treatment. That improvement was reflected in improved overall wellbeing and an enhanced quality of life for those concerned.

If you’d like to join the 75% who are already enjoying a better quality of life with no or less IBS symptoms get in touch and let’s explore what’s possible for you.