Group Hypnotherapy: A great solution for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic functional gastrointestinal disorder. Symptoms include cramping, bloating, abdominal pain, wind, diarrhea, constipation or both.

IBS is incredibly common. It’s estimated that over 360,000 people in NZ live with IBS. Twice as many women as men experience IBS.

It is a condition for which there is currently no cure.

Those experiencing IBS often struggle to manage their symptoms effectively and, as a result, experience a substantially reduced quality of life compared to those without IBS.

The most common treatment strategies involve a combination of medication, dietary and lifestyle changes, plus therapy. Research has found that the most effective therapy for IBS is gut directed hypnotherapy (GDH).

Gut-directed hypnotherapy

Gut-directed hypnotherapy was first tested as a treatment for IBS in the early 1980s by a group in Manchester, UK, who have since published many successful studies showing GDH to be a highly effective treatment for IBS with excellent long-term results.

Besides delivering consistently excellent outcomes, GDH is safe and has no side effects, unlike some medications used to treat IBS.

Over the last four decades, many other researchers have followed the Manchester group in studying GDH. The findings of these studies are consistent - GDH reduces IBS symptoms, improves quality of life and normalises gut sensitivity, while reversing a person’s negative thoughts about their condition.

A recent study from Australia found that around 70% of people reduced their gut-related symptoms after six weeks of gut-directed hypnotherapy.

This is an amazing result, but it’s important to remember that while gut-directed hypnotherapy continues to help many people manage their symptoms, it’s not a cure.

Who is GDH best suited to?

GDH is an option for almost anyone experiencing IBS symptoms. I say ‘almost anyone’ because hypnotherapy is not appropriate for people with psychotic symptoms, such as delusions or hallucinations.

Delivering GDH to groups

The delivery of GDH has traditionally been as a one-to-one treatment. However, given its effectiveness, there has been a move to provide GDH to a wider audience and to achieve this through the use of group GDH programs.

Group GDH for IBS

“Compared with the results of randomised studies of individual hypnotherapy, group therapy seems to be just as effective, with impressive long-term benefits.”

~ Professor Gabriele Moser, University Clinic for Internal Medicine in Vienna, Austria

Over the last decade, several randomised control trials have explored the effectiveness of GDH delivered in a group setting. The participants in these studies were people with long-standing, treatment-resistant IBS.

The consistent conclusion across these studies is that GDH delivered in a group setting is, for most people, as effective as individual treatment, providing long-term relief from a range of IBS symptoms and improving well-being.

Pros and Cons of a Group GDH Program

Group GDH programs have their pros and cons.

The Pros

  • Affordable: Group GDH is available at a lower cost than one-on-one sessions, making it accessible to people with lower incomes.

  • Deliverable on-line. This makes group GDH accessible to anyone with an internet connection. It means that you can enjoy each session from the comfort of your own home. On-line access also cuts out travel time, and the associated costs.

  • Group support: Many people who face IBS also struggle with feelings of loneliness or isolation. Participation in a group can help to address this issue and establish a sense of community among people who face the same or similar challenges.

  • Self-confidence: Many people who struggle with IBS experience feelings of shame and embarrassment. Participation in a group can allow you to identify with others who share your challenges, reducing these feelings of shame and boosting your self-confidence.

  • Lending Support: Members of the group can lend each other support together with encouragement. Seeking to achieve an outcome as part of a group can help you stay engaged and see the program through to the end.

  • Learn from others and their experiences.

The Cons

  • You need to be organised, because delivery of the sessions is according to a set schedule. If you miss a live session, you’ve missed the session. However, if delivered online, the ability exists for sessions to be recorded (subject to the group’s prior approval).

  • The one-size fits all nature of the sessions may not address your unique challenges (e.g., a specific stressor, a limiting belief). However, a good GDH program will include the option of additional one-to-one sessions (at a discounted price) if you have a particular issue you’d like to resolve.


Four decades of research have shown that GDH is a safe and highly effective treatment for IBS, whether delivered on a one-to-one basis or in a group setting.

The research shows that GDH delivered in a group setting is, for most people, as effective as one-on-one consultations. Plus, group GDH programs offer additional benefits not available in one-on-one sessions alone. Importantly, group GDH enables access to GDH to people who might otherwise not be able to afford, or access, this amazing treatment.

It’s important, if you’re in any doubt, as to whether GDH is right for you, to speak to your doctor.

My new Group Hypnosis4IBS program

My newly developed GroupHypnosis4ibs program contains the same content as my successful Hypnosis4ibs program that I’ve been providing to individuals for two years. Each group will be limited to a maximum of six people and will be delivered on-line by ZOOM.

If you would like to explore whether my GroupHypnosis4ibs program could be the right option for you, click HERE to schedule a free consultation with me.