Hypnosis has been used to treat IBS for almost 40 years!

Hypnosis was first used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in patients with severe refractory symptoms as part of a controlled clinical trial within the Department of Medicine at the University Hospital of South Manchester, in the early 1980s, using a symptom-orientated or “gut directed” approach (Whorwell, Prior, & Faragher, 1984).

The trial showed that all symptoms of pain, abdominal bloating, and bowel-habit disturbance as well as general well-being improved in patients who underwent treatment with hypnosis but not in those who received placebo medication and support.

Based on the success of this trial, hypnosis was gradually adopted as an additional treatment modality for patients, particularly those whose symptoms failed to respond to the usual medical interventions of reassurance and various medications. A unit devoted to the provision of hypnotherapy for treating IBS patients was established at the University Hospital in Manchester 1995 and has since treated a large number of IBS patients with hypnosis.