Last week I was interviewed by The SpinOff about my HYPN4IBS Program

Last week I was interviewed by The SpinOff Journalist Sherry Zhong for an article she was writing on IBS. Sherry suffers with IBS and has tried a number of solutions without success some of which she describes in the article she published following our interview-

Sherry hadn’t experienced hypnosis before, so I gave her my evidence-based definition of what hypnosis is and that for the best results a person needs to adopt a ‘hypnotic mindset, one in which they want to experience hypnosis and are committed to fully engage their attention and imagination. I guided Sherry into a short session of hypnosis in which she experienced a number of hypnotic phenomena demonstrating that the mind and body are one system. This means we can use our thoughts and imagination to change our body’s behavior (which is why IBS hypnotherapy is so effective). In her article Sherry notes that according to Monash University research, gut-directed hypnotherapy can improve IBS symptoms by 70-80%.

In the short time available during the interview, it wasn’t possible to address Sherry’s IBS symptoms, so I focused on giving her some suggestions and metaphors to help her feel more relaxed and to relieve stress. Sherry writes that “It was nice to let go …. ” Reducing stress is important when solving IBS because chronic stress exacerbates IBS symptoms and those symptoms then cause more stress. This creates a vicious, the more a person with IBS can lower their stress level the better.

Sherry described the short session of hypnosis she experienced as “…..not dissimilar to practices I’d do in physical theatre, such as imagining balls of light flowing through my body and letting my imagination play.”

If you are experiencing IBS, my Hypno4IBs program could be the solution you have been looking for.