Ten Facts About IBS

1.     IBS stands for irritable bowel syndrome.

2.     It is a common condition that affects the digestive system.

3.     It’s estimated at least one in 10 people worldwide suffer with IBS.

4.     In NZ the figure is somewhere between 6 and 15% depending on which report you read.

5.     The condition is more common among women – a ratio of 2:1.

6.     You can develop IBS from any age but symptoms most commonly start between the ages of 20 and 30.

7.     Children do experience IBS. A precursor of IBS in children is called recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) which affects between 0.3 to 19% of school children (Chitkara et al, 2005).

8.     Whilst IBS symptoms are not fatal, they can have a massive impact on an individual’s quality of life and on everyday thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Severe, intrusive symptoms lead to substantial reduction in an individual’s quality of life (QOL).

9.     The condition is a complex one, and one that the medical profession and science doesn’t yet fully understand.

10.  As yet there is no medical cure.