A simple self-hypnosis technique for you to practice

Self-hypnosis is a skill I teach virtually all my clients. This skill alone can change your life in some many positive ways.

Here’s a simple self-hypnosis technique for you to practice. The following steps will take you through a basic self-hypnosis session, the goal of which is to aid relaxation and help ease your IBS symptoms.

  • Lie or sit comfortably in a quiet place, where you're unlikely to be disturbed.

  • Focus on your breathing- breathe slowly and deeply.

  • Start counting backwards from 300. If your mind starts to drift away, simply start counting backwards again.

  • Begin relaxing each part of your body. Feel the muscles in your face relax, then those in your neck and shoulders, back, arms and legs, and finally your feet.

  • Now give yourself a couple of personal, positive, progressive suggestions, e.g. 'Everyday I'm becoming more and more relaxed and confident.” 'My stomach and gut is calmer and more and more is working as it should'. Repeat each suggestion half a dozen times. When you say them, say them like you mean them, with energy and passion.

When you're ready to exit hypnosis, simply start counting to five, telling yourself: 'When I reach three I'll start to become more aware of my surroundings, and  when I reach five I'll open my eyes feeling alert, calm and relaxed.'

This exercise should take more than 15 minutes to complete. I recommend you give it a go.