How hypnotherapy is helping people who suffer from IBS

It’s 2020 and are you resigning yourself to another year of living with your IBS symptoms?

Before you do you might want to give IBS hypnotherapy (also called gut-directed hypnotherapy) a go. It’s not a miracle cure, but multiple well-controlled studies, including one close to home,at Monash University, have shown that it improves gastrointestinal symptoms in people with IBS by 70-80% and these improvements are maintained in the long-term.

The Monash hypnotherapy study – led by Dr Simone Peters – wanted to consolidate findings by UK researchers suggesting the therapy was effective. Dr Peters is part of Monash University and the Alfred Hospital’s Department of Gastroenterology. Dr Peters says, “It was hugely surprising. We found hypnotherapy was incredibly beneficial.”

The Monash reserachers also found that:

  • hypnotherapy was effective psychologically, too – patients were less anxious and less depressed after esperiencing it.

  • a low FODMAP diet helps reduce IBS symptoms and that hypnotherapy is as beneficial as the low FODMAP diet. .

To read the full article about this research head over to the Monash University site -

IBS hypnotherapy could mean the difference between another year in which IBS dominates your life and robs you of happiness, and a year in which you begin to enjoy the freedom being free of IBS brings.

To learn more about how Tony can help you gain lasting relief from your IBS, contact him today – 021 056 8389 / email for a free, no obligation on line consultation. No matter where you are in the NZ or the world Tony can help.