Approximately two thirds of people who experience IBS hypnotherapy respond well

Approximately two thirds of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who experience IBS Hypnotherapy respond well to hypnotherapy. There are two theories for why hypnotherapy works for IBS.

One is that by making people less anxious, it in some way makes the bowel less sensitive, thereby reducing symptoms. Another suggests hypnotherapy may have an impact on a part of the brain which processes pain called the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC).

One study showed people could put their hands into boiling hot water without registering pain after being hypnotised, when they had earlier experienced intense pain. The hypnotherapy reduced the amount of activity in the ACC. Amazing isn’t it? That’s the power of hypnosis.

Are you ready to become one of the two thirds?

It's not about price it's about value

This week I had an inquiry from a person looking for help to relieve their IBS symptoms.

The person had had a look around this site and said they were interested. They went on to ask if given the current economic climate, I was prepared to discount the price of the program.

I politely said ‘no’, and explained why -

I price the program based on the value and results it delivers and not on the basis of time. A person who invests in the program isn’t buying 4.5 hours of my time, they are buying a lifetime of relief from their symptoms. How much that is worth in terms of enhanced health and happiness will be different for everyone, but in almost all cases will exceed the price of the program.

The program has been modelled on four of the most successful IBS Hypnotherapy programs. People who invest in the program can, when they fully commit to it, expect to achieve amazing results.

 For these reasons I do not discount the program.

What I do offer is a payment plan to help people spread their investment over 3 months. This is available on request.

The person who made the inquiry thanked me for my response and said they’d explore other options as a first step.

April is IBS Awareness Month

In 1997, the International Foundation For Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) designated April as IBS Awareness Month on the U.S. National Health Observances calendar. During April, the IFFGD the will be working to focus attention on important health messages about IBS diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life issues.

Worldwide, an estimated 10 to 15% of the population is affected by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). About 2 in 3 IBS sufferers are female. Long-term symptoms of IBS can disrupt personal and professional activities and limit individual potential.

The theme for April 2020 is " IBS: More Questions than Answers? " During April, the IFFGD is encouraging IBS suffererers to share their questions on social media using hashtags #IBSAwarenessMonth and #IWant2Know.

Ceciel T. Rooker, President of IFFGD says, ““When their questions about IBS symptoms or treatment options go unanswered, many patients are left to navigate life with the uncertainty of such a debilitating and life-altering condition.”

The IFFGD IBS site - has lots of information about IBS symptoms and treatments, but doesn’t contain information on IBS hypnotherapy, other than to say gut-centered hypnotherapy leads to beneficial physiological changes.

If you have questions about how hypnotherapy can help you relieve your IBS symptoms let’s have a chat. To schedule a complimentary, 30 minute, online discovery consultation click here.

A simple self-hypnosis technique for you to practice

Self-hypnosis is a skill I teach virtually all my clients. This skill alone can change your life in some many positive ways.

Here’s a simple self-hypnosis technique for you to practice. The following steps will take you through a basic self-hypnosis session, the goal of which is to aid relaxation and help ease your IBS symptoms.

  • Lie or sit comfortably in a quiet place, where you're unlikely to be disturbed.

  • Focus on your breathing- breathe slowly and deeply.

  • Start counting backwards from 300. If your mind starts to drift away, simply start counting backwards again.

  • Begin relaxing each part of your body. Feel the muscles in your face relax, then those in your neck and shoulders, back, arms and legs, and finally your feet.

  • Now give yourself a couple of personal, positive, progressive suggestions, e.g. 'Everyday I'm becoming more and more relaxed and confident.” 'My stomach and gut is calmer and more and more is working as it should'. Repeat each suggestion half a dozen times. When you say them, say them like you mean them, with energy and passion.

When you're ready to exit hypnosis, simply start counting to five, telling yourself: 'When I reach three I'll start to become more aware of my surroundings, and  when I reach five I'll open my eyes feeling alert, calm and relaxed.'

This exercise should take more than 15 minutes to complete. I recommend you give it a go.